Who is the "real" philanthropist, Bill gates , Mother Teresa or the unknown person?

Saturday, June 11, 2011

WHO and Mainstream Media in Hysteria over E. coli outbreak

Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Bioengineered E.coli bacteria suspected to have been sprayed onto cucumbers.

Adrian Salbuchi points out that there is a conditioning going on to produce fear and panic in people who become distracted from the reality of Bankster manipulations. 

A good distraction to take the attention off the Bilderberger http://www.oldthinkernews.com/?p=1361 meetings being held this week in Switzerland. For more on this you can read my book, THE FEAR PANDEMIC available in E-book format. Email me if you want a copy at US$10 only. Its a 50,000 word pdf format E-book with details on helping you live a safer and healthier life. 
Alternatively you can read Chapter 7 of the same book on this blog at my popular post section.


Solar CME's will ring the death knell for the Predator drones because these Satanic devices use Satellite Technology to home in. Watch the next video and you will see why mass murders can be perpetrated by brain washed idiots working out from Langley, Virginia or outsourced in New Delhi!

Only GOD can Play HIMSELF, not Playstation!